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crane repair and service

Not only do we service material handling equipment; we are also well known for providing customers with a fall protection equipment inspection service in order to ensure that your entire facility is up to code. The service technicians at Source Industrial have been working with companies all across Ontario including Toronto, Windsor, Ottawa, and even in major northern cities. The team has studied all of the crane inspection standards so that we can ensure that your lifting equipment is in fine working order. If we do come across an issue; our crane repair and service team can troubleshoot and fix the issue.

Book your next inspection

Source Industrial has over 20 service trucks on the roads and we also have two conveniently located buildings in Hamilton and Brampton. Contact our kind and friendly staff today in order to book your next inspection before it is too late. No one wants the ministry to come into your facility and have to temporarily shut down your production. We will make sure that all of your overhead cranes, lifting equipment, attachments, fall protection equipment, and fork lifts are in good working order and meet the local codes.